Sunday, September 2, 2018

My very first post!!

Setting up my gmail account was easy and so was setting up my blog, I honestly was very excited setting up, I think this a fun part of class and I`m looking forward to the rest of the semester. I feel very well prepared in taking an online class because I've taken two online classes in the past. I learned how to be more well organized. Three thing's that applied most to me from the growth mindset video was in the first video was the determination one of the speakers had in the video; my freshmen year and a little bit of sophomore year I was a bit behind. But then I accomplished my studies because I didn't give up. Another thing that applied to me was when the video stated "it takes effort to train your brain" this is a fact you can't train your brain by doing nothing you have to make yourself learn! Finally, the examples of people who others thought would never become successful but proved others wrong; there's a lot of potential in me I just have to keep working for it and paying no mind to what others think of me.

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