Sunday, September 30, 2018

My very own logo!

Creating my logo was actually very fun and therapeutic. I thought a lot about what represents me and I decided to draw out my very first tattoo. The meaning of it is self love,  I consider myself a rose . My tattoo is actually just the outline of the rose there are no colors in it. So what I decided to do instead of coloring the rose red with green leaves; I decided to color the layers different to represent imperfections. I am not just one perfect red rose, I have imperfections.  I see that a lot of logos are pretty simple so a symbol of myself (rose) and my nick name on the side felt right. Creating the logo made me realize that I can actually use this as an actual logo for my photography page on Instagram.
I watched the first video in logo resources and it was very helpful in creating logos, it was a nice video to watch. The other two videos I feel were not as fun too watch and I wasn't interested while watching it because of how old it was...

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